Friday, April 18, 2008

Basics of business and stocks

Three weeks and still no one has cracked it! So here are clues to help you crack it....

SCENE 0: Ah; come on - what is Google there for!

SCENE 1: Check out the KR section on business and you will find what you are searching for

SCENE 2: The clue lies in the fairy - who invests in start-ups? This is a bit hard. Drop me a mail if you are stuck on this one...

SCENE 3: What do you do when you want to go public?

SCENE 4: It is an important financial ratio - if you are interested in the stock markets you should know this ratio.

SCENE 5: Another important financial ratio; easy to get if you get 4.

SCENE 6: If you read the business KRs you would know about the ways to earn money from stocks - this is a ratio based on that.

SCENE 7: Many scams happen because of this...

SCENE 8: If you analyze data before deciding to buy a stock then you are doing some form of analysis.

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